IrrIMGUI  0.3.1
IrrIMGUI Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for IrrIMGUI:


directory  Inject
directory  Tools
directory  UnitTest


file  CCharFifo.h [code]
 Class definition for a Fifo Memory.
file  CIMGUIEventReceiver.h [code]
 Contains a standard Event Receiver for Irrlicht that passed inputs to IMGUI.
file  CIMGUIEventStorage.h [code]
 A storage memory to transfer Input-Events from Irrlicht to the IMGUI.
file  IGUITexture.h [code]
 Contains an interface to a GUITexture object.
file  IIMGUIHandle.h [code]
 Contains a interface for a IMGUI handle.
file  IMGUIHelper.h [code]
 Contains helper functions for the IMGUI handling.
file  IncludeIMGUI.h [code]
 Helper file for including IMGUI and applying the correct settings.
file  IncludeIrrlicht.h [code]
 Helper file for including irrlicht from the correct location.
file  IReferenceCounter.h [code]
 Contains a class to count references.
file  IrrIMGUI.h [code]
 The main include file for the IMGUI bindinds.
file  IrrIMGUIConfig.h [code]
 Helper file for preprocessor configuration.
file  IrrIMGUIConstants.h [code]
 Contains constants values for IrrIMGUI.
file  IrrIMGUIDebug.h [code]
 Contains defines for debug handling.
file  SIMGUISettings.h [code]
 A storage the settings of the IMGUI.