IrrIMGUI  0.3.1
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 IrrIMGUIInject.hFunctions for dependency injection
 CBasicMemoryLeakDetection.hClass for a very basic memory leak detection
 BasicMemoryLeakDetectionPlugin.hA CppUTest plugin to perform a very basic memory leak detection
 IIMGUIHandleMock.hContains a CppUMock compatible mock of the IIMGUIHanlde class
 IncludeCppUTest.hWrapper for including the CppUTest framework
 MockHelper.hContains definitions used inside IIMGUIHandleMock, but they must stay independent from the mock, to prevent a too close coupling to the unit test framework from the DLL
 UnitTest.hMain-header for the unit test interface
 CCharFifo.hClass definition for a Fifo Memory
 CIMGUIEventReceiver.hContains a standard Event Receiver for Irrlicht that passed inputs to IMGUI
 CIMGUIEventStorage.hA storage memory to transfer Input-Events from Irrlicht to the IMGUI
 IGUITexture.hContains an interface to a GUITexture object
 IIMGUIHandle.hContains a interface for a IMGUI handle
 IMGUIHelper.hContains helper functions for the IMGUI handling
 IncludeIMGUI.hHelper file for including IMGUI and applying the correct settings
 IncludeIrrlicht.hHelper file for including irrlicht from the correct location
 IReferenceCounter.hContains a class to count references
 IrrIMGUI.hThe main include file for the IMGUI bindinds
 IrrIMGUIConfig.hHelper file for preprocessor configuration
 IrrIMGUIConstants.hContains constants values for IrrIMGUI
 IrrIMGUIDebug.hContains defines for debug handling
 SIMGUISettings.hA storage the settings of the IMGUI
 CGUITexture.hContains the class for a GUITexture object
 IrrIMGUIDebug_priv.hContains defines for debug handling
 IrrIMGUIInject_priv.hPrivate definitions for dependency injection
 CBasicMemoryLeakDetection.cppClass for a very basic memory leak detection
 CChannelBuffer.cppContains the implementation of a channel buffer
 CCharFifo.cppClass definition for a Fifo Memory
 CGUITexture.cppContains the class for a GUITexture object
 CIMGUIEventReceiver.cppContains a standard Event Receiver for Irrlicht that passed inputs to IMGUI
 CIMGUIHandle.cppContains a handle to setup the IMGUI for Irrlicht
 CIMGUIHandle.hContains a handle to setup the IMGUI for Irrlicht
 CIrrlichtIMGUIDriver.cppContains a driver that uses Irrlicht primitive drawing functions to render the GUI
 CIrrlichtIMGUIDriver.hContains a driver that uses Irrlicht primitive drawing functions to render the GUI
 COpenGLIMGUIDriver.cppContains a driver that uses native OpenGL functions to render the GUI
 COpenGLIMGUIDriver.hContains a driver that uses native OpenGL functions to render the GUI
 IIMGUIDriver.cppContains a driver interface for IMGUI
 IIMGUIDriver.hContains a driver interface for IMGUI
 IMGUIHelper.cppContains helper functions for the IMGUI handling
 IReferenceCounter.cppContains a class to count references
 IrrIMGUIInject.cppContains function implementation for Dependency Injection
 UnitTest.cppContains helper functions for the unit testing