IrrIMGUI  0.3.1
source Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for source:


directory  private


file  CBasicMemoryLeakDetection.cpp [code]
 Class for a very basic memory leak detection.
file  CChannelBuffer.cpp [code]
 Contains the implementation of a channel buffer.
file  CCharFifo.cpp [code]
 Class definition for a Fifo Memory.
file  CGUITexture.cpp [code]
 Contains the class for a GUITexture object.
file  CIMGUIEventReceiver.cpp [code]
 Contains a standard Event Receiver for Irrlicht that passed inputs to IMGUI.
file  CIMGUIHandle.cpp [code]
 Contains a handle to setup the IMGUI for Irrlicht.
file  CIMGUIHandle.h [code]
 Contains a handle to setup the IMGUI for Irrlicht.
file  CIrrlichtIMGUIDriver.cpp [code]
 Contains a driver that uses Irrlicht primitive drawing functions to render the GUI.
file  CIrrlichtIMGUIDriver.h [code]
 Contains a driver that uses Irrlicht primitive drawing functions to render the GUI.
file  COpenGLIMGUIDriver.cpp [code]
 Contains a driver that uses native OpenGL functions to render the GUI.
file  COpenGLIMGUIDriver.h [code]
 Contains a driver that uses native OpenGL functions to render the GUI.
file  IIMGUIDriver.cpp [code]
 Contains a driver interface for IMGUI.
file  IIMGUIDriver.h [code]
 Contains a driver interface for IMGUI.
file  IMGUIHelper.cpp [code]
 Contains helper functions for the IMGUI handling.
file  IReferenceCounter.cpp [code]
 Contains a class to count references.
file  IrrIMGUIInject.cpp [code]
 Contains function implementation for Dependency Injection.
file  UnitTest.cpp [code]
 Contains helper functions for the unit testing.